Introducing the IPYG Affiliate Organization – Positive Peace Ethiopia

HWPL Life Sharing Blood Donation Campaign held in July last year

Positive Peace Ethiopia (PPE), a youth organization based in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, is an NGO that engages in various peace activities such as conflict resolution, peace education, human rights, arms reduction, and peace building. Founded by Mr. Solomon Girma, the President of Positive Peace Ethiopia, and three co-founders, the organization currently comprises approximately 210 members.

It takes a leading role in peace efforts for youth, including hosting the ‘Youth Dialogue Workshop commemorating the International Day of Peace,’ organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

In July 2023, Positive Peace Ethiopia collaborated with IPYG to conduct the ‘HWPL Blood Donation Campaign.’ While only 1% of the population in Ethiopia donates blood, Positive Peace Ethiopia, alongside IPYG, raised awareness about the importance of blood donation in the local community and encouraged participation.

Co-founder Mr. Chalachew Worku delivered a message to young people, promising active cooperation with IPYG in the future:

“Positive Peace Ethiopia extends a message of unity, collaboration, and empowerment to vibrant youth worldwide. Together, we have the power to shape a world of peace, understanding, and positive change. Let’s bridge boundaries, foster dialogue, and work hand in hand to build a future where our collective efforts create a lasting impact. Your energy, ideas, and commitment are the driving force for a better tomorrow. Join us on this journey for a world united in peace and prosperity!”


Introducing the IPYG Affiliate Organization – Jssor Youth Organization


IPYG Australia branch spreads a culture of peace to underprivileged people in the Brisbane community.