Volunteer Activities

Let’s Make a Change

IPYG’s Volunteer Initiatives

Power of Youth, Go Beyond!

Clean Up Initiatives

At IPYG Melbourne, we are passionate about making a positive impact on our community and the environment. Our clean-up volunteering initiative is a testament to this commitment. Through regular clean-up events, our dedicated members work tirelessly to remove litter and restore natural beauty to local parks, beaches, and streets. By fostering a sense of responsibility and unity, we strive to inspire others to join us in creating a cleaner, greener future for everyone. Together, we can make a difference—one clean-up at a time.

Tree Planting Initiatives

At IPYG Melbourne, we believe in the power of action to drive positive environmental change. Our tree planting initiatives are a cornerstone of our commitment to sustainability and community engagement. By planting trees in local parks and public spaces, our members actively contribute to the health and beauty of our environment. Each tree planted helps combat climate change, improve air quality, and provide habitats for wildlife. Join us as we plant seeds of hope and nurture a greener, more vibrant future for all. Together, we can grow a better world—one tree at a time.

Candle Making and Food Packaging

At IPYG Melbourne, we are dedicated to uplifting our community and supporting those in need. Through our collaborative initiatives with Chin Myanmar Care and Kenshi Candles, our members volunteer their time to make a tangible difference in the lives of disadvantaged individuals. By participating in candle making and food packaging activities, we provide essential resources and heartfelt support to those facing challenges. These initiatives not only bring light and nourishment to those in need but also foster a spirit of compassion and solidarity within our community. Together, we can create a brighter, more caring world—one candle and one meal at a time.