The Second Summer Semester of 2022 Youth Empowerment Peace Class

The second Summer Semester of 2022 Youth Empowerment Peace Class was held for three months from June to September with over a thousand youth leaders from 34 countries.

The 2022 Youth Empowerment Peace Class was comprised of four subjects: Parent Education, Youth Employability Education, Making Self-wellness Education, and Gender Equality Education. The subjects were selected based on the ideas and requests from youth around the world as well as feedback from experts.

Posters of each subject

The students also had to practice what they learned in their local communities in order to graduate. This practice stems from one of IPYG’s core values, which is “practicing peace must begin near.”

Education volunteer activities for local residents were revitalized through the eager participation of the students. Mentra Youth Zambia (MYZ), an IPYG affiliate in Zambia, went around eight times to different schools to educate over 500 people as part of their activities. They also conducted a class for local youth by cooperating with the University of Zambia and youth organizations.

YEPC at University of Zambia

Many people, especially civil society, are looking to the youth for sustainable development and peace-building efforts. However, the youth need resources in order to fulfill these roles, and educational opportunities are a must.

The IPYG developed and is hosting the Youth Empowerment Peace Classes in order to achieve Quality Education, the 4th SDG, and provide all youth around the world with the right to education.

The IPYG will continue to develop high-quality education platforms for youth around the world in order to foster messengers of peace who will lead the future.

Mentra Youth Zambia (MYZ) on-site education


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