Youth Empowerment Peace Workshop(YEPW) in Timor-Leste

During 2022, the IPYG held the Youth Empowerment Peace Workshop three times in April, June, and August to strengthen youth capacity together with youth NGO organizations such as Timor-Leste Youth, Timor-Leste Youth Congress, Timor-Leste National University, etc. Under the theme of youth unemployment, a national issue in Timor-Leste and the biggest concern amongst the youth, YEPW provides valuable content to strengthen the capacity of Timor-Leste’s youth. Furthermore, it is a workshop that continuously prepares a place for cooperation between government officials and youth to solve the issue of youth unemployment.

The first workshop on April 9 introduced YEPW and the issue of youth unemployment in Timor-Leste. In the second workshop held on June 18, a SWOT analysis technique (analyzing internal and external environment of the organization to define strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and establishing a response strategy) was used to discuss solutions to the youth unemployment problem and understand Timor-Leste’s situation at the time. Through case studies of youth policies in different countries, the basis for finding solution to the issue of youth unemployment in Timor-Leste was established. Finally, the third workshop held on August 27 found common ground on the importance of education and the need for government as a result of discussing youth policies to be promised to a government official and resolving youth unemployment.

Adolfo Paulo Hornay, the director of Youth for Peace, stated that according to the SWOT analysis, Timor-Leste’s weaknesses include instability of policy and politics and the absence of major industries, and emphasized the importance of the government’s role.

The quality of education is important because if we ensure the quality of education then it will contribute to the quality of human resources, that leads to the activity and ability to get the employment.

Lizerio Mateus Soares da Silva Días, a former student president of the National University of Timor-Leste, stated, “the quality of education is important because if we ensure the quality of education, then it will contribute to the quality of human resources, that leads to the activity and the ability to get employment.”

After three rounds of discussions, the opinions of the youth and the policies were delivered to government, education, and religious figures at the 8th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit in East Timor.

Timor-Leste is a new country and many factors need to be well established. Peace is believed to be possible when government policies, economic support, and reasonable education are provided to give youth various opportunities.

Jose Turquel, the principal adviser for the Ministry of Interior of Timor-Leste, stated “Timor-Leste is a new country and many factors need to be well established. Peace is believed to be possible when government policies, economic support, and reasonable education are provided to give youth various opportunities.” Later, he gave positive responses regarding continued exchange with the youth.

This workshop was not just a simple gathering of youth for discussion but produced encouraging results, such as finding practical solutions and forming networks through communication with various stakeholders.

Long-term and continuous efforts are needed to solve the unemployment problem faced by Timor-Leste youth. Therefore, IPYG will continue to use YEPW in 2023 as a venue for people from all walks of life in East Timor to gather and communicate. Furthermore, YEPW will be established as a regular youth platform to solve various social problems, including youth unemployment in Timor-Leste.


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