Religious Leaders across Victoria Attend Interfaith Scripture Dialogues, Promoting Harmony

HWPL marked a milestone with the hosting of its 100th World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office Meeting on January 23rd, 2024. This event illustrated HWPL’s dedication since 2015 to promoting peace and understanding among religious leaders in the region.

The WARP Office Meetings, initiated by HWPL, have evolved into a global movement emphasizing interfaith relations and the understanding of scriptural texts as effective tools in preventing conflicts stemming from religious misunderstandings. For nearly seven years, HWPL has consistently organized these meetings, showcasing a commitment to building bridges and promoting peace.

The 100th WARP Office Meeting in Victoria underscored the importance of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), with a specific focus on Article 8, emphasizing religious freedom. The event highlighted the role of religion in creating global harmony, emphasizing that all religions advocate for peace, and religious leaders must work to eliminate misunderstandings and prejudice between different faiths.

The DPCW, a comprehensive framework for peace, shows HWPL’s commitment to addressing global issues through dialogue and cooperation. Article 8 of the DPCW specifically highlights the need for religious freedom, fostering an environment where diverse beliefs can coexist harmoniously.

Sheik Hussam of Ahlulbayt Mosque reflected on his journey during HWPL Warp Offices:

“The best way to understand people is to listen to them. Religions would not cause war between people; perhaps politics or something else. I believe that all religions came from one origin, so there should be no war between religions. That’s why I encourage all leaders to participate in this dialogue; that’s the best way.”

HWPL extends an invitation to the public for future WARP Offices, as interfaith dialogue is crucial in building a world of lasting peace. Participants can learn directly from each religious leader, get their questions answered, and contribute to religious harmony in Victoria. Unlike the WARP office meetings for the past 7 years, this type of event is expected to broaden the range of religious leaders’ role from inter-communication to public teaching.

Recognizing the impact of the WARP Office as a bridge, HWPL will stand by its commitment to building harmony among diverse religious communities by continuing to grow the reach and inclusivity of the WARP Offices. In a country as diverse as Australia, known for its multiculturalism and religious pluralism, the WARP Office Meetings become even more relevant, offering greater opportunity for harmony and understanding.


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