HWPL Celebrates Culture and Diversity Through Commemorating The Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

The International Peace NGO, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) Victoria hosted the ‘Multicultural Peace Day’ on Saturday, March 11th 2023, at St Kilda Town Hall, City of Port Phillip. This event was co-hosted with partner organisation, International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) and affiliate group International Peace Youth Group (IPYG).

Around 15 communities from South Sudan, Cambodia, Chin Myanmar, Hazara, Afghan, Assyria, Brazilian, Oromia, Indian, Mexican, Polish, Philippines communities and many more participated with over than 400 people in attendance.

The ‘Multicultural Peace Day’ celebrated the culture of peace through booths, cultural performances, fashion parade and photo exhibition. These activities raised the awareness of peace by showcasing the power of diversity and the importance of cultural understanding and encouraged people to learn about and appreciate different backgrounds, ultimately fostering greater understanding, empathy, and respect among individuals and communities.

The ‘Multicultural Peace Day’ was held in commemoration of the 7th anniversary of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) and coincided in Diversity Week. Proclaimed on 14th March 2016, The DPCW is a declaration comprised of 10 articles and 38 clauses. Its aims are to achieve sustainable peace by promoting the universal values of the global community. The DPCW embodies the principles and measures for preventing and resolving conflicts and sustaining a peaceful global society.

The event was supported by the City of Port Phillip and the local businesses around the area. Mayor Heather Cunsolo of City of Port Phillip congratulated HWPL for the event and for raising the awareness of peace. She stated, “We’re proud to help support the Multicultural Peace Day Event, and it’s fitting to see the celebrations here in St Kilda, given St Kilda’s thriving multicultural communities.” “It makes me think how do we action it (peace)? What is the actions of peace? It’s an everyday choice, making peace part of your day in life.”

Mr Bwe Thay, Deputy Chairperson of the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) also shared, “Event like this is important, it shows us that peace is not guaranteed, it must be maintained and prioritized. Everyone of us must do everything we can to participate in the peace process. I believe the key to educate and upskill people is to encourage communities of diverse background.”

Article 10 of the DPCW is “Spreading the culture of peace”. This became the inspiration for the Multicultural Peace Day. Regardless of age, race, gender, religion or culture, peace is for all mankind. Just as the sky is equal for all humanity, showing no favouritism, peace should also be for everyone. The vision of HWPL is to establish the practical ways where communities and individuals can practice the culture of peace. This is done through interfaith dialogues, peace education, and raising awareness of peace.


Celebrating Harmony and Diversity: The Multicultural Peace Village in Dandenong